Bobby Calf Pen

Bobby Calf Pens.

Our bobby calf pens are built to meet the requirements of the August 2017 legislation. Our pens make it safer for livestock by being:

• At a height that allows the animals to walk onto the truck
• Well-ventilated
• Sheltered
• Well-drained

Want to see before you buy?:

Then come and check out the display shed at our Inglewood store on 11 James St, Inglewood, Taranaki.

Manufacturing details:

Crafted from treated H3.2 quality timber direct from our own mill, H3 treated ply and clad with iron. The foundation is made up of H5 treated poles and timber.


3.0m x 2.4m and 2.4m x 2.4m are the stock sizes but we can also make it your specifications. Just give us a call and tell us what you have in mind.

Custom options:

Optional stairs and ramp
Can custom build to your personal requirements




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